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     Grace Journey      Pastoral Ministry


Pastor Gerald Shean, Associate Pastor Johnny Harris, Deacons Steve Glover,Claude Peters,Garland Burkhart,
Deaconess Kathy Giddens, Deacon JC Leonard, Elder/Finance Johnny Barnes
Here are just a few of the many volunteers that make  the ministries of Grace Journey possible. We are blessed to have dedicated servants sharing talents God has given them.
John Barnes 
David Ashby
Doug Smith
Johnny Harris
Path of Hope Minister
Johnny Harris

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Claudiette Mason
Kathy Leonard
Ruth Ann Peters


Bobbi Nifong
Steve Glover
Graham Smith
Perry Charles
Johnny Harris
Kathy Leonard

Praise Choir

Mariea Shean
Gerald Shean
Danny Peddycord
Claude Peters
Jean Harris
Johnny Harris
John Barnes
Pat Smith
Doug Smith
Cindy Deegan
Johnathan Leonard
Mary Purdue
Teresa Williams
Keith Ousterman

Stephanie Wood
Justin Wood

Darlene Sexton

    1000 East Center Street
    Lexington, North Carolina
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